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- Also called War Between the States War
- 1861-65 between the Southern or Confederate
- States of America and the Northern or Union
- states. The former wished to maintain certain
- `states' rights', in particular the right to
- determine state law on the institution of
- slavery, and claimed the right to secede from
- the Union; the latter fought primarily to
- maintain the Union, with slave emancipation
- (1863) a secondary issue. The war, and in
- particular its aftermath, when the South was
- occupied by Northern troops in the period
- known as Reconstruction, left behind
- bitterness that lasts to the present day.
- Industry prospered in the North, while the
- economy of the South, which had been based on
- slavery, declined. chronology 1861 Seven
- Southern states set up the Confederate States
- of America (president Jefferson Davis) 8 Feb;
- Fort Sumter, Charleston, captured 12-14 Apr;
- Pierre Beauregard (Confederate) was
- victorious at the 1st Battle of Bull Run 21
- July. 1862 Battle of Shiloh 6-7 Apr was
- indecisive. General Grant (Union) captured
- New Orleans in May, but the Confederates,
- under Robert E Lee were again victorious at
- the 2nd Battle of Bull Run 29-30 Aug. Lee's
- northward advance was then checked by General
- McClellan at Antietam 17 Sept. 1863 The
- Emancipation Proclamation was issued by
- President Lincoln 1 Jan, freeing the slaves
- and assuring British and French neutrality;
- Battle of Gettysburg (Union victory) 1-4 July
- marked the turning point of the war; Grant
- overran the Mississippi states, capturing
- Vicksburg 4 July. 1864 In the Battle of Cold
- Harbor near Richmond, Virginia, 1-12 June,
- Lee delayed Grant in his advance on Richmond.
- General Sherman (Union) marched through
- Georgia to the sea, taking Atlanta 1 Sept and
- Savannah 22 Dec, destroying much of the
- infrastructure as he went. 1865 Lee
- surrendered to Grant at Appomattox courthouse
- 9 Apr; Lincoln was assassinated 14 Apr; last
- Confederate troops surrendered 26 May. There
- were 359,528 Union and 258,000 Confederate
- dead. The period of Reconstruction began. The
- issue of slavery had brought to a head
- long-standing social and economic differences
- between the two oldest sections of the
- country. A series of political crises was
- caused by the task of determining whether
- newly admitted states, such as California,
- should permit or prohibit slavery in their
- state constitutions. The political parties in
- the late 1850s came to represent only
- sectional interests - Democrats in the South,
- Republicans in the North. This breakdown of
- an underlying national political consensus
- (which had previously sustained national
- parties) led to the outbreak of hostilities,
- only a few weeks after the inauguration of
- the first
- Republican president, Abraham Lincoln.